What’s up buddies!
Let’s practice our pronunciation. We are going to practice que sound /ū/.
STEP 2. Now, watch my video and pay attention!
STEP 3. Write down your words with the sound /ū/. You can write them down on a sheet of paper or on this photocopy.
Photocopy: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y52j23djd6y2mvp/Photocopy%20-ue%2C%20-u-e%2C%20-ew.pdf?dl=0
STEP 4. Practice and recite all of them in 10” seconds.
STEP 5. Record a video of yourself doing the challenge, show me your time … and upload it to FlipGrid!
Nos podéis colgar los retos a través de los siguientes enlaces:
4ºA: https://flipgrid.com/a7e314f4
4ºB: https://flipgrid.com/f20988aa
4ºC: https://flipgrid.com/453a5d5b